Tourism Offer of Pshav-Khevsureti There are no real hotels in Pshav-Khevsureti but there are a lot of places where you will find rooms for. Hosts serve local food, some of them will help also to rent a horse, hire mountain guide, driver with a jeep, etc. All prices are negotiable, hosts usually make discounts if you stay longer or travel in a bigger group.
Gueshouses in Khevsureti
Host: Mikheil Chincharauli
+995 595-50-37-98 Beds: 12
Rooms: 4 (2 double rooms; one three and one five-bed room)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals), tea and coffee are included.
One meal a day - 30 Laris
Two meals a day - 50 Laris
Three meals a day - 60 Laris
One can rent a jeep or horses here, guesthouse also offers mountains guides.
Host: Vazha Chincharauli
+995 577-72-93-62 Beds: 10
Rooms: 4 (2 double rooms; 2 three-bed rooms)
Price: 15 Laris per person a night (without meals); coffee and tea are included.
One meal a day - 25 Laris
Two meals a day - 35 Laris
Three meals a day - 45 Laris
Hostess: Mzia Tsiklauri
+995 599-80-73-80 Beds: 14
Rooms: 4
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Meals: Two meals a day - 50 Laris
Three meals a day - 60 Laris
Tea, coffee,
khinkali and a hard drink are included.
Host: Nana Gogochuri
+995 599-99-20-25 Beds: 15
Price: 15 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 30 Laris
Three meals a day - 40 Laris
Tea and coffee are included in the price.
Host: Shorena Chincharauli
+995595518452 ; email: Beds: 12
Rooms: 6 double rooms
Price: 30 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 60 Laris
Three meals a day - 70 Laris
Hostess: Irma Gigauri
+995 595-50-36-22 Beds: 8
Rooms: 3 (1 double room, 2 three-bed rooms)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 50 Laris
Three meals a day - 70 Laris
Hostess: Lamara Chincharauli
+995 599-77-54-73 Beds: 8
Rooms: 3 (1 double room, 2 three-bed rooms)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 50 Laris
Three meals a day - 70 Laris
Hostess: Zhuzhuna Chincharauli
+995 599-20-32-08 Beds: 12
Rooms: 4 three-bed rooms
Price: 10 Laris per night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 40 laris
Hostess: Sopo Chincharauli
+995 595 71-97-99 Beds: 12
Rooms: 4 (1 five-bed room, 2 double rooms, 1 three-bed room)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 50 Laris
Three meals a day - 70 Laris
Tea, coffee and hard drinks (wine,
chacha) are included in the price.
Hostess: Lela Gogochuri
+995 599 99-28-83, email: Beds: 15
Rooms: 8 (5 double rooms, 1 three-bed room, 2 single rooms)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
One meal a day - 30 Laris
Two meals a day - 40 Laris
Three meals a day - 50 Laris
Tea, coffee and hard drinks (wine,
chacha) are included in the price.
Chacha can be bought for 7 Lari per 1 liter.
Host: David Jalabauri
+995 598 12-76-14; email: Beds: 16
Rooms: 6 (5 double rooms, 1 six-bed room)
Price: 30 Laris per person a night (without meals)
One meal a day - 40 Laris
Two meals a day - 50 Laris
Three meals a day - 60 Laris
Tea, coffee and hard drinks (wine,
chacha) are included in the price.
Hiring of horses is avail*abl: 1 horse a day on short distance routes - 30 Laris; on long distance routes - 50 Laris a day (a guide’s service included). Service of Russian- and English-speaking guides is also offered.
Village Korsha
Host: Mamuka Arabuli
+995 599 741 199 email:; Facebook/korshaguesthouse Beds: 18
Rooms: 6 (2 double rooms, 2 three-bed rooms, 2 four-bed rooms)
Meals: Traditional dishes (
khinkali, khachapuri and other hot dishes)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
One meal a day - 30 Laris
Two meals a day - 40 Laris
Three meals a day - 50 Laris
Tea, coffee and hard drinks (wine,
chacha) are included in the price.
Hiring of horses is available at the following price: 1 horse a day - 50 Laris a day (a guide’s service included). The guesthouse also of*fers a Jeep for rent.
Guests will have the chance of visiting the Ethnographic museum located near to the guesthouse, where they will view the rarities - ar*ticles of household, weapons, etc.. The museum is run by local artist Shota Arabuli, whose paintings and wooden sculptures you can also see in the hostel. In the museum you can also purchase Khevsur tra*ditional souvenirs and handicrafts.
Village Gudani Host: Dzila Chincharauli
+995 593 30-11-70 Beds: 14 Rooms: 5 Meals: Traditional dishes (
khinkali, khachapuri and other hot dish*es)
Price: 10 Laris per person a night (without meals)
One meal a day - 25 Laris
Two meals a day - 40 Laris
Three meals a day - 50 Laris
Tea, coffee, milk, stewed fruit and hard drinks (wine,
chacha) are included in the price.
Service of a guide is offered at the following price: 25 - 35 Laris (Russian- and English-speaking guides, respectively).
Village Roshka Host: Shota Tsiklauri
+995 599 39-97-89 Beds: 13
Rooms: 4 (2 four-bed rooms, 1 three-bed room, 1 two-bed room)
Price: 20 Laris per person a night (without meals)
Two meals a day - 40 Laris
Horses for hire is available at the following price: 1 horse a day - 50 Laris a day (a guide’s service included).
Village Juta “Zeta” camping, host: Anano Arabuli, +995 577501057
16 beds in 4 rooms.
Prices: 20 GEL for staying overnight without accomodation. Food and beverages are bought separately in the bar functioning within the camp. “Zeta” offers beds in a small, woodden house built recent*ly; another possibility is to sleep in tents rented by the owner. “Zeta” provides also warm sleeping bags. There is also a hot shower in the campsite. Anano speaks english, german and russian, part of her staff also speak greek.
Host: Iago Arabuli
10 beds. Price is 25 lari with food included. Iago speaks German and his wife speaks english. Rooms are refurbished, the house is built ac*cording to normal western standards. Iago can also organise moun*tain guide, horses for rent, etc.
contact: +995 599 533 239
Guesthouses in Pshavi Magharoskari The hotel
“Pshavi” Host: Beso Tsotskolauri 500188883, web page The number of places – 50
The hotel has small conference hall, it is possible to hire a guide, also with a horse
Price: one person without feeding - 20 lari, food service – 35-50 lari.
Host: Eva Bachiashvili
591 22 26 57 The number of places – 20
The family hotel has transport (Jeep) and Russian speaking experi*enced guide service
Price: one person without food - 15 lari, with food 35-50 lari
Host: Marina Gognelashvili
The number of places: 8
The family hotel has horses and a car (Jeep), gues can hire an Eng*lish-speaking guide.
Price: one person without food service – 15 lari, with food service 35 - 50 lari
Contact information: phone: 0790282 493
Shuapkho Host: Zaza Kochashvili
0790 94 54 57 The number of places: 20
At the family hotel they have horses and a car (Jeep) for rent.
Amount: one person without food service 15 lari, with food 35 – 50 lari
Host: Goderdzi 0790 65 38 26
The number of places: 6
They have horses and a car (Jeep), they have a guide speaking Eng*lish and Russian
Amount: without food service one person - 15 lari, with food service 35-50 lari. Among other dishes, sosts serve mountain trout.
Chargali Hostess: Melano Mchedluri
599 15 22 41 Beds: 15
Rooms: 4
Price: 35 Laris per person a day (2 meals a day included)
Service: Mobile phone, hot water service
1 horse available for renting, 30 Laris per day. service of a tour guide are available.
Hostess: Tamriko Zurabashvili
558 37 47 31 Beds: 10
Rooms: 3
Price: 35 Laris per person a day (2 meals a day included)
Service: Mobile phone, hot water service
1 horse available for renting, 30 Laris per day. service of a tour guide are available.
Hostess: Amiran Zurabashvili
595 16 62 24 Beds: 13
Rooms: 4 Price: 35 Laris per person a day (2 meals a day included)
Service: Mobile phone, hot water
1 horse available for renting, 30 Laris/day. Excursion and the service of a tour guide are available.
There is also house-museum of famous Georgian poet
Vazha Pshavela in Chargali.
Guides in Pshavi: Irma Butkhashvili –speaking Russian, mob: 577 676 733
Maiko – English-speaking, mob: 599 30 53 53
Mari Chubinidze - speaking Italian, mob: 555 577 655
Guides in Khevsureti Mamuka Arabuli, speaking Russian, mob: 599 741 199
Ivane Arabuli, speaking Russian, mob: 598 19 65 69
Zviad Daiauri, speaking Russian, mob: 574 84 33 11
David Jalabauri, speaking Russian, mob: 598 12 76 14
Aleko Mishelashvili, speaking English, mob: 558 14 31 54
Anano Chincharauli, speaking English and Russian, mob: 598 54 26 30
Hiring of Jeeps Ivane Arabuli (Mitsubishi Pajero)mob: 598 19 65 69
Mamuka Arabuli (Mitsubishi Pajero) mob: 595 59 34 84
Besik Chincharauli (Russian) (Isudzu Truper)mob: 599 24 38 14
Horses on Hire it is advisable to inform the hosts beforehand, i.e. to make advanced reservations corresponding to the planned routes. it may be that the horses are driven to the pastures and the owners need time to get them back from the far away fields. The number of tourists is increas*ing year after year and the horses may quite possibly be engaged on tours. Prices are usually 30 GEL per horse a day on short-distance routes; 30 Laris plus a 20-Lari charge for the service of a guide on long-distance ones.
Horses on hire in the village of Korsha (Piraketa Khevs*ureti)
Contact person: Mamuka Arabuli
+995 599 741 199,
Horses on hire in the village of Roshka (Piraketa Khevs*ureti)
Contact person: Shota Tsiklauri
+995 599 39-97-89
Horses on hire in Shatili (Pirikita Khevsureti)
Contact person: Dato Jalabauri
+995 598 12-76-14, email: dato*
Horses on hire in Mutso (Pirikita Khevsureti)
Contact person: Mindia Chincharauli
+995 599 26-91-05
Dining Houses and shops In Pshav-Khevsureti there are no restaurants but there are two so-called dining houses. They are located in the villages of
Shatili and
Korsha in Khevsureti and in Magharoskari and Chargali in Pshavi. They serv. traditional Georgian dishes.
Dining house in Korsha Dining house in Shatili Host: Mamuka
Hostess: Irma
Tel: +995 599 741 199 Tel: +995 595 503 622 In Pshavi there are two shopds open in Magharoskari village. Food shops in Khevsureti can be found in three places - in the villages of
Korsha and
Barisakho, both located in Piraketa Khevsureti, and in
Shatili that is in Pirikita Khevsureti. The shops sell cigarettes, alco*holic and soft drinks, tea, coffee, sugar and other goods of first neces*sity. Bread is not available in the Shatili shop.
There is no real petrol station but petrol can be bought in the shops of Korsha and Barisakho from small containers.
Local Tour Operators in Khevsureti Contact person: Irakli Chincharauli, mob: 551 943 446
E-mail: Tebulotour: Contact person: Paata Vardanashvili,
mob: 599 91 46 55, 574 444 813
Discover Georgian Mountains Contact person: Zura Chincharauli, mob 599 30 53 53
E-mail: The centre of popularization of culture Contact person: Makrine Chabashvili, mob: 551 600 844
Tours in Georgia Contact person: Vazha Chincharauli, mob: 595 50 36 57
E-mail: See all Georgia Contact person: Mindia Tsiklauri, mob: 551 844 644
E-mail: Guides in Pshavi: Irma Butkhashvili –speaking Russian, mob: 577 676 733
Maiko – English- speaking, mob: 599 30 53 53
Mari Chubinidze - speaking Italian, mob: 555 577 655
Campsites in Khevsureti The campsites as such are not allocated and fixed in Khevs*ureti, however the can camp almost everywhere but not nearby the shrines. According to a Khevsur traditions it is forbidden to make a noise or shine a light on a sanctuary; women are prohibited from passing close by a holy place. Tourists should take into consideration the established restrictions and ask the locals for advice on the choice of a place for camping.
Good sites for setting up camps in the territory of Piraketa Khevs*ureti can be found in the neighbourhood of the villages of Khakhma*ti, in the area surrounding Datvisjvari and Roshka village. In Pirikita Khevsureti places used for campsites are in the area of Kistani-Leb*aiskari, on the Arghun riverside around Shartili, Mutso, Ardoti, etc. A strategic campsite for the tourists heading for Tusheti is near a spring on the crest of Mount Khidotani, before the Atsunta pass.
Renting of Trekking Equipment Renting tents and sleeping sacks is possible, village: Gudani (Southern Khevsuretia) Tent – 10 lari, sleeping bag – 5 lari (1 day – 1 person)
Contact person: Dzila Chincharauli, mob: 593 30 11 70, 079040 1997
Renting tents and sleeping sacks is possible in Shatili (southern Khevsuretia) Tent - 10 lari, sleeping bag - 5 lari (1 day – 1 person)
Contact person: Beso Chincharauli, mob: 599 24 38 14
Persons who are interested in the historical tours, ancient culture and
pictograms found in Pshav-Khevsureti can contact the research scientist Giorgi Gigauri who will provides information and organizes tours in the mountain for persons who are interested in this subject.
Mob: 577 453 481, e-mail:
Rafting on Aragvi river: Adventure club Jomardi Contact person: Mamuka Burduli, mob: 599 141 160 The difficulty level of the tour: 2-3
The minimum age of the participants - 10
The tour begins from the village Magharoskari (Pshavi) and finishes at the village Tvaliv (Pshavi).
The lengths of the route is 15 km, duration 1 hour and 30 minutes
Instruction will be held for participants before
Rafting is done in boats with 8-10 men with qualified instructors in each.
Price is 40 lari which includes equipment (a helmet, life-jacket, wa*ter-proof jacket, shoes, etc)
Season for rafting begins from 1 of May till 15 of October
Traditional handcraft Traditional handicraft was for centuries a hallmark of Pshav- Khevsureti region. Today you can purchase such products in Dush*eti and Korsha. In Dusheti, at the corner of the main square there is a “Khvaramze” shop with traditional products. You can also buy similar artifacts in Korsha Museum. It is also possible to contact local producers directly as per below list:
Tinain Arabuli – (Khevsuretian embroidering and knitting). Works with Khevsuretian ornaments on embroidering and knitting, maintains the former face, Khesvureti (in winter - Barisakho, in summer – Roshka), mob: 598 97 23 20
Mziso Turmanauli – (embroidering, knitting) works with Khevs*uretian ornaments on embroidering and knitting, maintains their former face. Pshavi, Magharoskari, mob: 591 24, 20 50.
Tiko Mekokishvili – (Khevsuretian emrpoidering and sewing, thick felt, beads) works with Khevsuretian ornaments on em*roidering and maintains the former face. Khesvureti, Brisakho, mob: 598 52 18 66.
Lela Gigauri – (Khevsuretian embroidering, sewing) works with Khesvuretian ornaments on emrodiering and maintains the formet face. Khevsureti, Barisakho, mob: 599 43 84 36.
Melano Mchedluri - (Knitting of carpets). Works on knitting with traditional ornaments, Chargali, mob: 599 15 22 41.
Tina Nakheuri - (Sewing of Pshav – Khevsuretian clothes and em*broidering on thick felt) works on sewing of clothes with tra*ditional ornaments. Non-governmental organization “Pshauri house”. Ukanapshavi, Magharoskari, mob: 599 20 36 69.
Aghaza Shaverdashvili (sewing, embroidering, knitting and so on, preparation of souvenirs) works on preparation of souvenirs with traditional ornaments. Also on using traditional elements in sew*ing, embroidering and knitting. Magharoskari, mob: 599 25 80 13.
Ketevan Veltauri – (thick felt, Khevsuretian clothes, bags, acces*sories), works on pre paration of clothes, bags, accessories with using thick felt, also by using of traditional ornaments. Dusheti, enterprise “Khvaramze”, mob: 599 18, 31 56. Sanatha Gigauri (thick felt, Khevsuretian embroidering), works with Khevsuretian ornaments on embroidering and maintains the former face. Jinvali, 12 block, flat 14, in summer in village Blo, mob: 598127163.
Border Police, official contacts There are several border police posts in Khevsureti exercising strict control of the State border of Georgia therefore the foreign citi*zens to should have passports by them. The police check tourist trips from Khevsureti to Tusheti near village Mutso and Atsunta pass and on the way Juta - Arkhoti near Khevsureti - Kazbegi region border. The border police are also assisting to the tourists in case of emer*gency, except them there is no real rescue service in the region. You can only get some elementar medical assistance in Shatili, Shuapkho and Magaroskari
In case of emergency call the following persons: In Piraketa Khevsureti:
Armaz Tsiklauri, Tel:
+995 591 223 575 In Pirikita Khevsureti:
Levan Zviadauri, Tel:
+995 591 140 899 You can also contact representatives of official authorities:
Dusheti municipality tourism development service, mob: 595 22 03 41, 599 30 53 53.
Shatili, community mob: 558 441 441.
Representative of Magharoskari community Tariel Udzilauri, mob: 595 229 657 or Nugzar Gusharashvli, 790 23 88 54.